Specialized campaigns with chosen HOT categories.

These hot categories should see higher activity due to the season or calendar and are released within a 30-60-90 day window. (ie Jewellery in February would have Vig Figs released in December). The VIG FIG packages on this page below are released with new previously unreleased Specs along with some well received past campaigns.

May 2020 – Father’s Day

Cold Beer and Wine Stores :   Campaign and materials

Clothing : Campaign and materials

Golf :   Campaign and materials

Outdoor Stores : Campaign and materials

W.I.N. (Covid-19)

Various Categories and Campaigns :   Campaign and materials

March 2020

Yard and Garden :   Campaign and materials

Schools and Education : Campaign and materials

Mother’s Day :   Campaign and materials

Earth Day : Campaign and materials

February 2020

Volunteer Week :   Campaign and materials

RV : Campaign and materials

Marine :   Campaign and materials

Environmental : Campaign and materials

January 2020

Valentines :   Campaign and materials

Antibullying : Campaign and materials

December 2019

Accounting :   Campaign and materials

Fitness Centres : Campaign and materials

Avalanche Awareness  : Campaign and materials

New Year Greetings  : Campaign and materials

November 2019

Cold Beer and Wine Stores :   Campaign and materials

Jewellery : Campaign and materials

Holiday Drinking and Driving / Distracted Driving  : Campaign and materials

Use Your Benefits! : Campaign and materials

October 2019

Remembrance Day :   Campaign and materials

Black Friday : Campaign and materials

Hunting Safety : Campaign and materials

Home Security : Campaign and materials

September 2019

Halloween :   Campaign and materials

Automotive – Winterizing : Campaign and materials

Fire Prevention / CO Poison : Campaign and materials

Sporting Goods : Campaign and materials